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Influence of hypodinamia on human health

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-08-07

A.S. Evstigneeva, L.V. Sukhovey
«Medical College No. 2», St. Petersburg
e-mail: [email protected]

The relevance of this topic is due to the significance of the influence of a healthy lifestyle, and in particular, optimal physical activity, on the human body. Nowadays, there are not many jobs left that require physical activity. Labor is so automated that many people may not get up from their desks during the entire working day. Yes, after work, public and personal transport does not require serious mobility. Gradual weakening of muscles and tone of the walls of arteries and veins, an increase in the volume of adipose tissue and a decrease in bone tissue, a decrease in lung capacity and endurance — these are just some of the pathological changes that occur in the body if it is limited in regular physical activity Health is one of the most important life values of a person, the key to his well-being and longevity.

weakening of muscles and tone of the walls of arteries and veins
physical inactivity
physical activity.

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