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Kanban system in ensuring the process of supplying medicines, medical devices and other materials in medical organizations

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-07-02

S.A. Salo
Budgetary health care institution of the Voronezh region «Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No.1», Voronezh.

The practical experience of using the kanban information system that regulates the processes of supplying medicines, medical products, etc. to the staff of the perinatal center of a large regional hospital is given. The implementation of the system, carried out within the framework of the pilot project «Lean Polyclinic in an outpatient and polyclinic institution providing medical and sanitary care to the population», made it possible to reduce the level of stocks of materials in the process, increase the responsibility and involvement of employees, and eliminate. supply overloads and failures.

pilot project
health care
lean production

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