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Experience of implementing professional cleaning technologies in a modern medical organization

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-06-05

N.A. Fedko(1), L.V. Malkina(1), D.A. Shilo(2)
1-Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Stavropol State Medical University», 310 Mira St., Stavropol, Russia
2-Stavropol Krai state budgetary institution «Stavropol Krai Clinical Perinatal Center № 1», Stavropol, Semashko str. 3/1

The traditional model of organizing cleaning and disinfection of premises, the use of technically outdated cleaning equipment, currently used in many medical organizations, do not meet modern requirements for epidemiological safety and economic efficiency. The introduction technologies of professional cleaning help to reduce the labor intensity of cleaning, reduces the risk of errors associated with the dilution of disinfectants, and prevents premature wear of treated surfaces and floor coverings. The optimization of the functional duties of the personnel of the internal insourcing service, which carries out professional cleaning based on a systematic approach to training employees, selecting high-quality technologies and effective methods of cleaning, compliance requirements for ensuring the sanitary and hygienic regime, improving the quality control of clean contributes to improving the quality of disinfecting measures in the framework of non-specific prevention of infections associated with the provision of medical care. The introduction of insourcing helps to increase the efficiency of using the economic resources of a modern medical organization.

non-specific prevention of infections associated with the provision of medical care

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